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How to get into Solace Keep in Avowed

Solace Keep in Avowed

Solace Keep is the final city that you can visit in Avowed. The hub city of Galawain's Tusks, Solace Keep is unlike any other settlement you've come across before in the Living Lands. Instead of simply walking through the front doors, you have to weasel your way into the Keep, which is easier said than done.

The guide below shows you all of the possible ways to enter Solace Keep in Avowed.

All ways to enter Solace Keep in Avowed

When you first approach Solace Keep in the northern part of Galawain's Tusks, you'll come to a head at a drawbridge guarded by Wardens. Wardens are the Solace Keep military forces, and you'll come across dozens of them during your time in the region.

You can't lower the drawbridge by yourself, as there's no lever or switch to interact with on the other side of the bridge. However, you can speak to the Wardens and find out a little more about Solace Keep. If you have Marius in your party at this time, which is highly recommended since he once lived in the Keep, he'll also chime in with some dialogue.

The drawbridge to Solace Keep can be lowered in a few different ways. Screenshot by Destructoid

Solace Keep is unique in that it doesn't allow outsiders to enter its grounds. The only people allowed in are the residents of the Keep, which are made up of dwarves and the Wardens. As such, you might think it's impossible to directly enter Solace Keep.

Fortunately, there are a couple of ways inside. The first way is through Marius, who can convince the Warden at the drawbridge to let you and your party inside Solace Keep. But if you don't have Marius in your party, things can get a little dicey during your talk with the Warden.

Without Marius, you have to convince the guard to let you through. This can be done with a couple of persuasion checks, which either come from your current stats or the specific Background you chose at the start of Avowed.

If you want to take a more direct approach, you can easily convince the guard to let you in if you complete a certain side quest in Galawain's Tusks. The side quest is called "Boundaries of Antiquity," and it starts and finishes at the Slumbering Fields location in the far western part of the map. You can access the area via a bridge southwest of Twinedwood. Here, speak to the Delemgan that's holding a Warden hostage. The Delemgan will only let the hostage go if you can cleanse the waters in the region.

Slumbering Fields is where you can complete the Bounadies of Antiquities side quest in Avowed. Screenshot by Destructoid

By successfully completing the Boundaries of Antiquity side quest, you give the entire region of Galawain's Tusks access to clean water. You can bring this up in dialogue when speaking to the Warden at the drawbridge, saying that you're the reason he can take a bath. The Warden thanks you and lowers the drawbridge to Solace Keep, asking you to not tell anyone who let you in.

Inside Solace Keep, you're free to roam around the entire city, including the upper council chambers and the forge in the basement, which is where you can bring your Fragments of Starmetal for the "Forged of Star-Stuff" side quest in Avowed.

The post How to get into Solace Keep in Avowed appeared first on Destructoid.

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