The spirit of competition ignites again as the Guardian Games event returns to Destiny 2. The celebration may be an annual occurrence, but the 2025 Guardian Games will be different. Of course, there are new rewards, but there's also a boss rush activity as the main course.
The Guardian Games is an event in Destiny 2 where each player class competes against one another to see which can prove themselves the mightiest Guardians of the year. Traditionally, the event has featured a mix of PvP and Strike activities, but this year, there's a new offering: Rushdown.
Guardians can still test their grit in the PvP Supremacy mode, but Rushdown is the flagship offering for this Guardian Games. While Guardian Games is active, participating players can try the activity or jump into Supremacy to rack up Medallions and earn some new loot from the event. It's practically a win-win.
How to start the 2025 Guardian Games

As of March 11, players logging into Destiny 2 will be greeted with a message announcing that the Guardian Games event is live. To kick things off, you only need to head to The Tower and talk to everyone's favorite event vendor, Eva Levante. She'll provide an event Class item and offer an introductory Quest: "Best In Class."
The eight-step Quest starts simple enough, asking players to get familiar with the Contender Cards and Medallions offered by Eva throughout the event. Once players purchase one, the event curator will ask Guardians to equip their new Class item and complete an activity. After a quick detour into an activity and a check-in with Eva afterward, she'll instruct you to deposit your earned Medallion at the podiums in the center of The Tower, behind Eva.
Returning to the event coordinator, she'll want players to check out the Event Challenges offered through herself or the Quests tab in the Director. One Challenge has already been completed, so claim that to progress Best In Class. The next step is to visit Commander Zavala in The Tower, and he'll offer another Quest, "Shoot to Score." After that, Shaxx is the next target, and he provides the "Vying for Supremacy" Quest.
The last part of Best In Class is returning to Eva for a new Keraunios trace rifle. That said, the real prize is access to the Vying for Supremacy and Shoot to Score Quests. Both offer Guardian Games rewards for participating players who reach certain score milestones in Guardian Games activities.
Contender Cards and Medallions

One part of Guardian Games is participating in Rushdown and Supremacy to earn enough score for Shoot to Score and Vying for Supremacy rewards, but the other part of the event revolves around Contender Cards and Medallions.
Medallions are a currency only used for the Guardian Games event, representing a Class's participation when dunked at the podiums in The Tower. Players can earn Medallions in various ways, including activities while wearing a Guardian Games Class item and Contender Cards that reward specific Medallions. The Contender Cards are available for purchase through Eva Levante, appearing in the Director's Quests tab alongside Bounties once claimed.
There are different varieties of both Contender Cards and Medallions, with higher-difficulty Contender Cards rewarding higher-quality Medallions. Medallions are tracked in the Medallion Case, appearing in the Director's Quest tab. That said, it's important to note that there are caps for how many Medallions of a certain variety you can hold at a given time.
Medallion Type: | How To Earn: | Medallion Case Maximum: |
Bronze | Activity completions with a Guardian Games Class item | 5 |
Silver | Activity completions with a Guardian Games Class item | 5 |
Gold | Contender Cards | 3 |
Platinum | Contender Cards | 3 |
Diamond | Contender Cards (Limited to 2 per week) | 3 |
Shoot to Score and Vying for Supremacy

Players earn access to the Shoot to Score and Vying for Supremacy Quests by completing the introductory Guardian Games Quest, Best In Class. The Quests are repeatable each week that Guardian Games runs and can provide a sizable cache of rewards if players consistently participate.
Shoot to Score and Vying for Supremacy are both score-based Quests. Once players reach specific score thresholds, they can access rewards in The Tower. The score requirements for each threshold rank are as follows:
Shoot to Score Ranks: | Score Thresholds: | Reward: |
Bronze | 70,000 | Guardian Games Bronze Rewards |
Silver | 150,000 | Guardian Games Silver Rewards |
Gold | 250,000 | Guardian Games Gold Rewards |
Platinum | 350,000 | Guardian Games Platinum Rewards |
Vying for Supremacy Ranks: | Score Thresholds: | Reward: |
Bronze | 150 | Guardian Games Bronze Rewards |
Silver | 300 | Guardian Games Silver Rewards |
Gold | 600 | Guardian Games Gold Rewards |
Platinum | 1000 | Guardian Games Platinum Rewards |
Once players reach each score threshold, a platform will materialize behind the podiums in The Tower. After Guardians land on a platform, they can interact with the unlit torch to earn the rewards associated with that score threshold. As players reach new score milestones, a hologram on either shoulder will display the current thresholds conquered for the current week. The Supremacy (PvP) hologram is displayed on a player's left shoulder, while the Rushdown (PvE) version is shown on the right side.
What is Rushdown?

Rushdown is the new featured activity for Guardian Games, launchable from The Tower map. As opposed to tackling a rotating list of Strikes like previous years, this year's Rushdown throws Fireteams into a gauntlet of five boss encounters from throughout Destiny 2's extensive catalog of narrative-related missions. Most interestingly, it even includes vaulted content. Players might find themselves against a foe from one of Europa's Empire Hunts or even the mighty Savathûn at the end of The Witch Queen campaign.
The Rushdown encounter lineup changes with the daily reset, so if players want to see every activity variation, they must participate in the event daily. That said, if you just want to get in and reach your weekly score threshold, that's doable any day of the week, resetting with Tuesday's general weekly reset.
The score for Rushdown comes from completing each boss encounter as quickly as possible and avoiding Fireteam deaths. The faster and more efficient players are, the better they'll score throughout the activity. There are also three different difficulties for Rushdown: Rushdown Warm-Up, Rushdown, and Expert Rushdown. Thankfully, all three modes offer matchmaking.
What is Supremacy?

Supremacy is a limited-time PvP mode, launchable from The Tower map. This Crucible alteration pits teams of the same Class against one another to see who fares better in a fight. The mode works like a "Kill Confirmed" mode in other shooters.
Guardians drop a crest after they're defeated, and opposing players can collect the crest to score points. Alternatively, if you collect a fallen teammate's crest, you'll deny a potential score to the opposing side.
The Guardian Games PvP mode is 6v6 and features a modifier called Shaxx's Training Weights that increases all ability cooldowns. Player Power is disabled, and matches go on until one team reaches a score of 150.
Guardian Games Event Card and Event Challenges

As with the other events and holidays in Destiny 2, Guardian Games gets an Event Card that accompanies the festivities. The standard Event Card is free, but players can opt into a premium Event Card to earn some exclusive cosmetics.
The main draw of the Event Card is the Event Challenges and the rewards they offer. There are 16 Event Challenges for the 2025 Guardian Games; the names, descriptions, and rewards are as follows:
Event Challenge: | Description: | Reward: |
In It To Win It | Earn a Medallion from activity completions and bank it at the podium in The Tower for rewards and Class points! | Event Ticket |
Bronze | Bank Medallions at the podium in The Tower to contribute points towards tour Class standing! Higher-ranked Medallions contribute more points. | Gold Medallion, Podium's Apex Emblem , Event Ticket |
Silver | Bank Medallions at the podium in The Tower to contribute points towards tour Class standing! Higher-ranked Medallions contribute more points. | Gold Medallion, Enhancement Core x3, Event Ticket |
Gold | Bank Medallions at the podium in The Tower to contribute points towards tour Class standing! Higher-ranked Medallions contribute more points. | Bungie Store reward, Enhancement Prism, Event Ticket |
Platinum | Bank Medallions at the podium in The Tower to contribute points towards tour Class standing! Higher-ranked Medallions contribute more points. | Godly Array Shader, Event Ticket |
In The Cards | Complete 15 Contender and Platinum Cards, which can be obtained from Eva. | Gold Medallion, Enhancement Core x3, Event Ticket |
Boss Breaker | Defeat Bosses in Guardian Games Rushdown. | Keraunios, Upgrade Module, Event Ticket |
Elements Of Victory | Defeat enemies with elemental abilities or weapons. | Gold Medallion, Enhancement Core x3, Event Ticket |
Good Games | Defeat targets in Supremacy matches or Guardian Games playlists. | Platinum Medallion, Enhancement Prism, Event Ticket |
Class Pride | Complete 10 Supremacy or Guardian Games playlist activities with Class Matchmaking enabled. | The Title, Enhancement Core x3, Upgrade Module, Event Ticket |
Friendly Rivalry | Complete Crucible, Gambit, or Supremacy matches. | Gold Medallion, Enhancement Core x3, Glimmer x15,000, Event Ticket |
Worlds Championship Tour | Complete activities on Destinations such as Blind Well, Altars of Sorrow, Empire Hunts, Wellspring, Partition, and Terminal Overload. | Gold Medallion, Enhancement Core x3, Glimmer x15,000, Event Ticket |
Circuit Training | Complete Dares of Eternity, Vanguard Ops Playlist activities, or Seasonal activities. | Raid Banner x3, Glimmer x20,000, Event Ticket |
Noble Expert | Complete 10 Rushdown activities on any difficulty. | Platinum Medallion, Commemorative Steed Sparrow, Enhancement Prism, Event Ticket |
Crest Collector | Earn Points in Supremacy by picking up crests from defeated opponents. | Platinum Medallion, Hullabaloo, Upgrade Module, Event Ticket |
Champ | Complete all Event Card Challenges during the Guardian Games. Progress resets at the end of the event. | Ascendant Shard, Ascendant Alloy |
Guardian Games 2025 rewards

In addition to what's earnable through the Event Challenges, players can earn rewards directly through Guardian Games participation. Dunking a Bronze Medallion doesn't offer any prizes, but higher-quality Medallions can reward Guardian Games weapons when dunked. Otherwise, players will run Guardian Games activities and complete milestones for Shoot to Score and Vying for Supremacy.
Guardian Games Rewards Quality: | Contents: |
Bronze | Guardian Games weapon |
Silver | Guardian Games weapon x2, Enhancement Core x 2 |
Gold | Guardian Games weapon with one double Perk roll x2, Enhancement Core x6 |
Platinum | Guardian Games weapon with double Perk rolls x3 |
Guardian Games 2025 Eververse offerings

If players want more swag from this year's Guardian Games, the Eververse Store has you covered. There are plenty of event-specific offerings, including the coveted 2025 Guardian Games armor set cosmetics. This year, the theme is gladiators, and each appearance looks fearsome. Outside of the armor being spotlighted, here's what else is available through Eververse while Guardian Games lasts.
Item: | Type: | Price: |
Guardian Games Event Card Upgrade | Cosmetic armor Ornament | 1,000 Silver |
Guardian Games 2025 (Gladiators) | Cosmetic armor Ornament | 1,500 Silver or 6,000 Bright Dust |
Guardian Games 2024 (Animals) | Cosmetic armor Ornament | 1,500 Silver or 6,000 Bright Dust |
Guardian Games 2023 (Racers) | Cosmetic armor Ornament | 1,500 Silver or 6,000 Bright Dust |
Guardian Games 2022 | Cosmetic armor Ornament | 1,500 Silver or 6,000 Bright Dust |
Guardian Games 2021 | Cosmetic armor Ornament | 1,500 Silver or 6,000 Bright Dust |
Winged Victory | Holochip | 800 Silver |
Shotput Through The Heart | Finisher | 800 Silver |
Give 'Em The Chair | Finisher | 800 Silver |
Served | Finisher | 800 Silver |
The Spins | Finisher | 800 Silver |
Knockout Punch | Finisher | 800 Silver |
Shuffle And Scat | Finisher | 800 Silver |
Applause And Accolades | Multiplayer Emote | 1,200 Silver |
Gladiator Blows | Multiplayer Emote | 1,200 Silver |
Give Me A "G" | Multiplayer Emote | 1,200 Silver |
Participation Trophy | Multiplayer Emote | 1,200 Silver |
Power Nap | Multiplayer Emote | 800 Silver |
Celebrated And Elevated | Multiplayer Emote | 800 Silver |
The Perfect Putt | Emote | 1,000 Silver |
Exercise Cycle | Emote | 1,000 Silver |
Reigning Champion | Emote | 1,000 Silver |
Just Juggling | Emote | 1,000 Silver |
Stand On Ceremony | Emote | 1,000 Silver |
Torch Light | Emote | 1,000 Silver |
Petrified | Emote | 500 Silver |
Lunar Shoes | Emote | 500 Silver |
Fouette Turn | Emote | 500 Silver |
Touchdown Dance | Emote | 500 Silver |
Toy Hula Hoop | Emote | 500 Silver |
Weightlifter | Emote | 500 Silver |
Darts | Emote | 500 Silver |
Water Break | Emote | 500 Silver |
Faithful Pledge | Emote | 500 Silver |
Power Lift | Emote | 500 Silver |
Flip And Flex | Emote | 500 Silver |
Low Score | Emote | 500 Silver |
High Score | Emote | 500 Silver |
Hip To The Hop | Emote | 500 Silver |
Disappointment | Emote | 200 Silver |
Out Of Breath | Emote | 200 Silver |
Let's Hear Some Noise | Emote | 200 Silver |
Free Throw | Emote | 200 Silver |
Cracking Up | Emote | 200 Silver |
Blowing Up | Emote | 200 Silver |
Recognize | Emote | 200 Silver |
One...Two...Uh... | Emote | 200 Silver |
Clast Of Its Own (Vex Mythoclast) | Exotic Weapon Ornament | 700 Silver |
Triumphant (Hier Apparent) | Exotic Weapon Ornament | 700 Silver |
Hawker Shell | Ghost Shell | 600 Silver |
Hoplite Shell | Ghost Shell | 600 Silver |
Classy Shell | Ghost Shell | 600 Silver |
Capped Shell | Ghost Shell | 600 Silver |
Tassled Shell | Ghost Shell | 600 Silver |
Gridiron Shell | Ghost Shell | 600 Silver |
Champion Shell | Ghost Shell | 600 Silver |
#Sponsored Shell | Ghost Shell | 600 Silver |
Half-Volley Shell | Ghost Shell | 600 Silver |
Beloved Antique | Sparrow | 800 Silver |
Heniokhos Anew | Sparrow | 800 Silver |
The Torpedo | Sparrow | 800 Silver |
Richly Caparisoned | Sparrow | 800 Silver |
Barnstormer | Sparrow | 800 Silver |
Shadow Box | Sparrow | 800 Silver |
Triple Bogey | Sparrow | 800 Silver |
The Lawn Mower | Sparrow | 800 Silver |
Pace Setter | Sparrow | 800 Silver |
Micro Mini | Sparrow | 800 Silver |
Cariole Spectacular | Ship | 800 Silver |
Winged Victory | Ship | 800 Silver |
Para Bellum IV | Ship | 800 Silver |
Championship Advantage | Ship | 800 Silver |
Victor's Palanquin | Ship | 800 Silver |
Hot Commodity | Ship | 800 Silver |
The Frontrunner | Ship | 800 Silver |
The Underdog | Ship | 800 Silver |
When does Guardian Games 2025 End?

The 2025 Guardian Games event is three weeks long. The event began on Tuesday, March 11, and will end after reset on Tuesday, April 1, or April Fool's Day.
That leaves plenty of time for players to try the new Rushdown activity and hunt down any desired rewards from the event. As always, a winning Class will be decided once the Guardian Games ends, and a commemorative trophy will be set up in The Tower until the next Guardian Games.
The post Destiny 2: Guardian Games 2025 event guide appeared first on Destructoid.
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