
Verse Piece: Ultimate Guide to Races & a Tier List [Cha Haein + Rowan]

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A player posing next to Cid Kageno in Verse Piece Roblox experience

Races play a big part in the damage output and survivability of your character in Verse Piece. A testament to that is the fact that Race Rerolls are used as an intermediary currency when trading. Some races in Verse Piece are so powerful that they make you invulnerable in PvP. With all that in mind, we prepared the following Verse Piece races guide and tier list to help you out when rerolling.

Verse Piece Races Tier List

Verse Piece race tier list for the Cha Haein and Rowan update made via TierMaker that goes as follows: <br/><br/>S tier: Fallen Angel, Contractor, Shadow, Dragonic;<br/>A tier: Dullahan, Demonic, Half Cyborg, Truthseeker;<br/>B tier: Slime, Vessel, Vampire, Angelica, Saiya;<br/>C tier: Reaper, Arancar, Quincy, Fishman, Skypiean, Human
Image via TierMaker

The above Verse Piece races tier list ranks them all based on how strong they are overall, both in PvE and PvP. In general, Exotic races are just way stronger than all others, with very few exceptions. Contractor is the strongest race in Verse Piece, with Dragonic being very close behind. Shadow is the best race for PvP simply because it makes you immune to other players' damage.

List of All Verse Piece Races

Here is the Verse Piece race list sorted by rank on the tier list and with the bonuses that each race gives you. The percentages next to their rarities show the odds of getting a specific race when using Race Rerolls.

S-Tier VP Races

SFallen Angel race from the Verse Piece Roblox experience• 2.75x Damage Multiplier
• Your attacks produce little swords that deal damage and stun enemies
• Best PvE race in Verse PieceFallen Angel
SContractor Exotic Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 2x Damage Multiplier
• Every 5 hits, you explode and deal 20% of your max HP to nearby enemies
• The explosion also heals you
• Second best PvE race in Verse Piece
• Very strong for PvP
SShadow Exotic Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 100% reduced damage taken from other players (PvP)• Very strong PvP raceExotic
SDragonic Exotic Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 2.25x Damage Multiplier
• Required for Rimuru Spec
• Very strong PvE race
• Decent for PvP

A-Tier VP Races

ADullahan Exotic Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 0.5x Damage Multiplier during the day
• 3x Damage Multiplier during the night
• Burn passive that scales with Special
• Very good for PvEExotic
AHalf Cyborg Exotic Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 100% increased HP
• Incoming damage is reduced by 75%
• Very strong PvP race
• Decent for PvE
ADemonic Mythic Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 1.75x Damage Multiplier
• Prevents enemies from regenerating
• Good PvP and PvE raceMythical
ATruthseeker Exotic Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 2.5x Sword Damage Multiplier
• 50% increased HP
• Special damage is fixed to a 1x Damage Multiplier
• Needed for Toji Unleashed
• Very good race for sword mainsExotic

B-Tier VP Races

BSlime Exotic Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 80% reduced incoming damage• Good for PvPExotic
BVessel Mythic Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 1.5x Damage Multiplier
• Your attacks can stun enemies
• Deal an additional 25% of your damage
• Decent PvP and PvE raceMythical
BVampire Mythic Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 1.25x Damage Multiplier
• You lifesteal when dealing damage
• Needed for Alucard
• Decent for PvEMythical
BAngelica Mythic Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 1.25x Damage Multiplier
• Your attacks can stun enemies
• Deal an additional 20% of your damage
• Decent for PvE and PvPMythical
BSaiya Mythic Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 70% reduced incoming damage
• Needed for Goku Spec
• Decent for PvPMythical

C-Tier VP Races

CArrancar Legendary Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 1.5x Special Damage Multiplier• Best early-game raceLegendary
CQuincy Legendary Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 15% reduced incoming damage• Ok for PvPLegendary
CReaper Legendary Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• 1.5x Sword Damage Multiplier• Good for sword mainsLegendary
CFishman Rare Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• Faster swimming speed• UselessRare
CSkypiean Rare Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• You can geppo (jump) 10 times• Good for climbing (😐)Rare
CHuman Common Race from Verse Piece Roblox experience• No bonuses• No comments neededCommon

How do Races Work in Verse Piece

The Verse Piece races listed in the tier list above give you specific passive bonuses, just like traits do. Races don't increase your stats, but they can multiply your damage and give you some unique buffs. For example, the Vampire race lets you lifesteal health back when dealing damage. Also, rerolling races is a lot more difficult because in Verse Piece, you need Race Rerolls to do that.

How to Reroll Races

  • Adventure Shop location in Verse Piece

  • Adventure Shop menu in Verse Piece

  • Race storage and Race Rerolls as shown in the materials inventory in Verse Piece

You can reroll your race by using Race Reroll materials from your inventory. When rerolling, you will have to confirm if you want to reroll a Legendary, Mythical, or Exotic race. You can get Race Rerolls either by opening chests, fishing, trading, buying them from the Adventure Shop NPC, or by redeeming Verse Piece codes.

How to Store Races

To store one of the races in Verse Piece in your inventory, you will first need to expand your race storage. For this, you need a Race Storage material, which can be obtained in the same way as Race Rerolls. With at least one unlocked slot in your race storage, you can then click on the race in your inventory to switch it out with the race currently on you.

Verse Piece Race Progression

In the beginning, try to get either Reaper or Arrancar so that you can improve the damage of your Sword and Fruit. Once you get a bit more Race Rerolls, aim for either Demonic, Vessel, or Vampire. However, your endgame goals are definitely Contractor, Shadow, or Dragonic, as they are the best races in Verse Piece.

That concludes our Verse Piece guide and races tier list. If you want to check out more of our VP content, then visit the Verse Piece section of Destructoid.

The post Verse Piece: Ultimate Guide to Races & a Tier List [Cha Haein + Rowan] appeared first on Destructoid.

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